Happy work anniversary at Byte Blanket!

Daniel Doss
2 min readDec 14, 2020

I am Daniel Doss, Design Lead in Byte Blanket here I am to testify a success in my life. As this day is one of the memorable day in my life because this day last year Dec 11, 2019, was the day I joined as a member of this wonderful BB Family. Once I stepped into the office, I remembered the day.

When I got a call from a foreign number and came to know that it was Vijay sir, I was very happy by hearing his words. He liked my works and suddenly told me to fly to Dubai. And this the time when I felt a mixed feeling in my mind. I was happy at the same time, nervous because this was my first foreign trip, yet I came out of it with a helping hand from Guna.

Now coming back to the day when I went to the office for the first time Dec 11 was the first day, I got introduced to all the other members. The atmosphere itself was very comfortable. Everyone in BB Family was really great people to get along with. The most important event that I took part in was the year-end party. We danced partied and had an award ceremony. It was really a fun day of the year.

After that I got to work on different projects, I learned several amazing things from my fellow mates. This was the best experience of my life. To be mentioned Murugesan sir, Niazi sir, Arun, Naren, Nandhini, Guna, Vyishali, Vignesh, Fracshana, Fralicshiya, Lavina & Rayees, and many more who helped me throughout this journey. Now that I here I can’t even believe that it’s gonna be a year. I want to thank the one life-changing person, Mr. Vijay sir for giving me this opportunity I hope I have done my job as your expectation. And I also want to thank Kavita ma’am.

Now the thing that I wanted to say that I experienced in my life is that when the opportunity occurs go for it without a second taught. They can be life-changing sometimes.

Thank you, everyone.

